Rent IT makes property letting effortless and enjoyable. Our all-in-one app offers personalized listings, scammer protection, digital contract signing, and seamless integration with third-party services, tackling the challenges of renting

Let your property

Save time and effort by Letting out your property instantly with AI Tenant Matching

Let a property in
good hands

Our app's reliable tenants ratings and insurance options help to protect your property

Manage property
via the app

Improve your renting experience using our all-in-one app which facilitates home search, contracts signing and access to external services

Let your property

Let a property
in good hands

Manage property
via the app


Win Top Tenants: Display Your Property on Our Platform!

Boost your property's appeal to reliable tenants with our reputable platform, featuring a trustworthy rating system and insightful reviews


Get Informed: Rental Stats for Wise Decisions!

Stay updated with our app's rental stats, customized for your property. Analyse and compare data to boost your rental success

Property insurance

Secure Your Home Remotely: Vital Coverage for Tenants!

Protect your home away from home with our app's insurance, offering tenants a peace of mind and essential coverage against unexpected events

Book a demo

3 easy steps to list your property




3 easy steps

or upload
Room tour

set the price and earn

Let tenants know your property advantages

how rent it
helps you


Enhance your experience as a landlord with our app, providing an efficient rental journey, trustworthy tenants ratings, and comprehensive insurance coverage

Quick & Easy Rentals: Just take a video
Risk-Free Rentals: Trusted Tenant Ratings
Protect Your Property: Comprehensive Insurance Solutions

property investors

Supercharge your investment strategy using our app's blend of data-driven insights, streamlined processes, and reliable insurance solutions

Unlock Insights: Powerful CRM Statistics
Online Convenience: Simplify Your Life
Protect Your Property: Comprehensive Insurance Solutions


Elevate your realtor success with our app's innovative
features, designed to optimize letting processes

pocket-friendly Rentals: Comfort at a Bargain
pocket-friendly Rentals: Comfort at a Bargain
Perfect Match: AI for Seamless Tenant Pairing


to 15 posts

from $66.7 per month

2 posts for free

Each following post $8.9
Book a demo

advert ads
for 30 days

from $16 per month
Choose affordability without sacrificing quality, with competitively-priced premium features in our free app

Start your letting
more efficiently
and secure

Developing a cutting-edge app using a powerful combination of latest development and infrastructure technologies, high-performance, and cross-platform experience for users

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about rent it?

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